List of Financial Incentives
Helps related to money that incites or has a tendency to incite to adopt lighting energy-efficient technologies or practices.
List revised 17 Oct. 2000. Disclaimer.

Austria - Belgium - Denmark - Finland - France - Germany - Greece - Italy - The Netherlands - Norway - Portugal - Spain - Sweden - United Kingdom


No particular financial incentive referenced to date by the National GreenLight Contact Point


les aides en secteur public :

  • pour les bâtiments des pouvoirs locaux (programme AGEBA)
  • pour les écoles et les hôpitaux (programme ECHOP)
  • pour les infrastructures sportives
  • pour l'éclairage public (EPEE)
  • les subsides des distributeurs
les aides aux entreprises :
  • subvention pour frais d'études préalables
  • prime à la consultance
  • déduction fiscale pour investissement économiseur d'énergie
  • primes octroyées par les distributeurs d'électricité
  • aide à l'engagement de personnel : décret 123 PME
  • subvention aux fédérations professionnelles
  • subvention pour agrément technique
  • subvention pour recherche industrielle de base
  • avance récupérable pour la recherche appliquée, le développement et la démonstration
Pour plus de renseignements sur ces aides, merci de contacter votre Point de Contact GreenLight



List being prepared by the National GreenLight Contact Point



No incentive for energy-efficient lighting only. Other national incentives containing all areas of energy use: governmental, energy audit support, subsidies for energy-efficiency investments etc. See with your National GreenLight Contact Point



Grants for demonstration and exemplary operations.

  • Demonstration operations consist of the first full-scale implementation of innovative efficient techniques or processes coming from the research & Development sector or moved to a new sector. Rate of support: typical 30%, max. 40%.
  • Exemplary operations deal with energy-efficient technologies that have already been tested (e.g. through demonstration projects) but need to be disseminated at a much wider scale. The objective of exemplary operations is to rapidly create national and regional references. Rate of support: typical 20%, max. 30%.

  • Contact:
    Hervé Lefebvre
    500 route des Lucioles
    F-06560 Valbonne
    Phone: +33 (0)4 93 95 79 58
    fax: +33 (0)4 93 65 31 96
    E-mail: [email protected]



No particular financial incentive referenced to date by the National GreenLight Contact Point



List being prepared by the National GreenLight Contact Point



No particular financial incentive referenced to date by the National GreenLight Contact Point


The Netherlands

List being prepared by the National GreenLight Contact Point



No particular financial incentive referenced to date by the National GreenLight Contact Point



List being prepared by the National GreenLight Contact Point






No particular financial incentive referenced by the National GreenLight Contact Point


United Kingdom

The Energy Saving Trust is a leading organisation in the promotion of the efficient use of energy in the UK. It is an independent and non-profit distributing organisation which runs a variety of energy efficiency schemes.

Other UK-side initiatives that offer support to potential partners are the Design Advisory Service and Site Specific Advice, both run out of BRECSU at the BRE.